This collage is made up of photos I took in downtown Chicago while visiting home in 2022
This collage is made of of photos I took while back home in Illinois for vacation in October 2022. The locations of the farm buildings were Leroy Oaks Forest Preserve in St. Charles, Hampshire Forest Preserve, and Garfield Farm in Campton Hills. I’m still not sure if I prefer the vertical or horizontal yet.
I made this collage in August of 2022 from photos I took at Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul. I printed the black and white versions, but it was a hard choice because I also like the color one quite a bit. I’ve included both here.
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2022 년 8 월에 만든 이 콜라주는 서울 경복궁에서 찍은 사진들로 만들었습니다. 흑백 버전을 인쇄했는데 역시나 컬러판도 마음에 들어서 고르기 꽤나 힘들었어요. 두 버전 모두 추가해두었습니다.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This collage is made up mostly of photos I took at the Kastellet Fort in Copenhagen. It was originally going to be made up of photos of a few parts of the city but I liked how these buildings and the windmill looked in particular. The only building not from the fort is the brick building above the windmill. That building stood out to me as I was walking across the water from it. It was the first piece in the collage and had decided to use it before choosing the other elements.
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이 콜라주는 대부분 코펜하겐에 있는 카스텔레 요새 사진들로 이루어져 있습니다. 원래는 도시의 몇 군데 사진들도 함께 넣어 제작하려 했는데 이 건물들과 풍차가 특히나 마음에 들더라구요. 작품에서 유일하게 요새가 아닌 부분은 풍차 위의 벽돌 건물입니다. 그 건물은 물을 가로질러 건너가던 제 눈에 확 띄었어요. 이 콜라주의 첫번째 조각이었고, 다른 요소를 정하기도 전에 이 조각을 사용하기로 결정했습니다.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요
I made this collage in July of 2022 from photos I took in Venice in 2018. I had originally planned for this to be black and white, but ended up really liking how it looks in color. I love how the buildings in this city have been patched and stapled together over the centuries of exposure to constant assault from the water. I’ve also included the black and white version.
For prints or other inquiries please email
2022 년 7 월에 만든 이 콜라주는 2018 년 베니스에서 찍은 사진으로 만들었습니다. 원래는 흑백으로 작업하려 했는데 컬러일 때가 마음에 쏙 들더라구요. 이 도시의 건물들이 수세기에 걸쳐 계속되는 물의 공격에 노출되어 맞춰지고 자리잡은 방식이 정말 마음에 들었어요. 흑백 버전도 추가해 두었습니다.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
I made this collage in February of 2022 from photos of the Statue of Liberty I took from the ferry in December of 2017 and photos I took at the War Museum in Seoul.
For prints or other inquiries please email
이 콜라주는 2022 년 2 월에 만든 작품으로, 2017 년 페리에 타고 있을 때 찍은 자유여신상 사진들과 서울 전쟁 박물관에서 찍은 사진들로 제작하였습니다.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This collage I originally made in December of 2021 and updated the background recently to make the colors lighter. It is made up of old cameras I found for sale in the Dongmyo Flea Market. The Kodak Brownie and the Rolleiflex are mine. When I was making it I was thinking of vintage camera camera ads and Polaroid film packaging.
For prints or other inquiries please email
이 콜라주는 원래 2021 년 12 월에 만들었는데, 색을 좀 더 밝게 하려고 최근에 배경을 업데이트했습니다. 동묘 플리마켓에서 판매 중이던 오래된 카메라들로 만든 작품이고, 코닥 브라우니와 롤라이플렉스는 제 카메라입니다. 작품을 만들면서 옛 빈티지 카메라 광고들이랑 폴라로이드 필름 패키징이 떠오르더라구요.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This collage is made of of bits of photos I took while walking around the flea market and machine shops around the Dongmyo 동묘앞역 and Sinseol-dong 신설동역 areas.
This is the fifth and last one in this series. These pieces are not a realistic representation of the areas they were taken, but I feel that they capture the feeling of those neighborhoods that are disappearing.
For prints or other inquiries please email
이 시리즈의 다섯 번째이자 마지막 작품입니다. 이 작품의 각 조각들이 촬영한 지역의 현실적인 모습을 그대로 담아내는 것은 아니지만, 사라져가는 이곳의 느낌을 잘 담아내고 있는 듯 해요.이 시리즈의 다섯 번째이자 마지막 작품입니다. 이 작품의 각 조각들이 촬영한 지역의 현실적인 모습을 그대로 담아내는 것은 아니지만, 사라져가는 이곳의 느낌을 잘 담아내고 있는 듯 해요.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This is the fourth in the series. Parts of this one are from a building between Seodaemun and Chungjeongno stations. I’ve walked past that building for years and it always caught my eye. It's huge and dark green and in bad condition. It's a lot older than any of the other buildings in the area. There were a few other old small buildings next to it getting knocked down. That’s where the window with the bars came from. The top and bottom panels on the right side are from this building.
For prints or other inquiries please email
시리즈의 네 번째 콜라주입니다. 이 작품의 일부는 서대문역과 충정로역 사이에서 찍은 것들인데요. 수년간 저 건물을 지나다녔는데 늘 제 눈을 사로잡았습니다. 이 건물은 굉장히 크고, 짙은 녹색을 띄고, 상태가 좋지는 않습니다. 이 지역의 다른 어떤 건물들보다 훨씬 오래되었어요. 이 건물 옆에는 쓰러져가는 다른 작은 낡은 건물들이 몇 개 있는데, 빗장 달린 창문이 바로 그곳에서 찍은 것입니다. 작품의 꼭대기와 오른쪽 바닥의 부분은 이 건물에 해당하구요.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This is the third collage in the series. Using buildings that have a lot of visible aging helped make these fit together better. I have tried to make something similar with newer buildings and it just didn’t look right. I think the weathered and distressed walls give them a personality that a new building couldn’t.
For prints or other inquiries please email
세 번째 콜라주입니다. 눈에 띌 만큼 노후화된 건물들이다 보니 콜라주 작업을 훨씬 수월하게 할 수 있었어요. 새 건물들로 이와 비슷한 작품을 만들어보려고 한 적이 있는데 영 별로였거든요. 아무래도 낡고 허름한 벽이 새 건물에서는 느낄 수 없는 개성을 주는 듯 해요.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This is the second collage in the series. When shooting the photos for these I kept an eye out for buildings that had features I found interesting. This could be anything like the recessed windows on the panel on the left side or the spiral staircase on the right.
For prints or other inquiries please email
이번 콜라주 시리즈의 두 번째 작품입니다. 이 사진들을 찍을 때 흥미로울 만한 특징을 가진 건물들을 한참 찾고 있었는데요. 작품 왼쪽 편의 움푹 들어간 창문이나 오른쪽의 나선형 계단과 같은 어떠한 것도 될 수 있어요.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This collage is the first in a series made up of photos of old buildings in Euljiro 을지로 and Jongno 종로 neighborhoods between January and August of 2021. Most of the photos for this one were taken in Euljiro, which is full of small manufacturing and machine shops as well as hardware and construction supply stores. Over the last couple of years it's been gentrifying as new bars and cafes move into the neighborhood.
For prints or other inquiries please email
이 콜라주는 2021 년 1 월부터 8 월까지 을지로와 종로 일대에서 찍은 건물들로,
오래된 건물
사진들로 만든 콜라주 시리즈의 첫 작품이라고 할 수 있습니다. 이 작품에 쓰인 사진의 대부분은 을지로에서 찍었는데, 철물 및 건축 자재 매장 뿐만 아니라 작은 제조 업체와 기계 공장으로도 가득한 곳이었어요. 최근 몇 년 동안 이 지역에 새로운 바나 카페들이 들어오면서 꽤나 고급스러워지고 있어요
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
This is the first architectural collage I made. I made while furloughed from work during COVID in January of 2021 from photos I took while in Paris in 2018.
For prints or other inquiries please email
이 작품은 제 첫 건축 양식 콜라주입니다. 코로나 19 사태로 직장을 쉬어야 했던 시기인 2021 년 1 월, 2018 년 파리에서 찍은 사진들로 콜라주를 만들었어요.
프린트 및 기타 문의사항은 이메일 로 보내주세요.
Simple birds made in Adobe Illustrator.
I was going for kind of a Nascar sponsorship theme with these tanks. Their numbers are obviously the last three presidents that have overseen the never ending wars the U.S. has been in the last 2 decades as well the threats they have made to countries like Iran and Venezuela recently. The logos I chose are all companies that benefit from this.
MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, and the New York Times are on here because of their roles in pushing public support for American military actions and misrepresenting foreign threats. From helping to push the government lie about weapons of mass destruction that lead to the Iraq invasion, constantly pushing fear about impending war with North Korea, justifying a possible attack on Iran, and cheerleading the idea of intervening in Venezuelan politics to name a few. These news networks often feature retired military personnel to provide analysis on military operations without disclosing their conflicts of interests. Many of them are working as defense contractors who have a financial interest in war.
Many of the companies are what we traditionally think of as defense contractors. Their main business is building the things we use to go to war. General Dynamics builds the tank these are modeled on as well as nuclear submarines. Honeywell builds components for military aircraft. GE supplies the military with technology for military vehicles. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon make missiles and missile systems. Northrop Grumman and Boeing produce bombers, drones, and other military aircraft. During Obama’s time in office almost 90% of the people killed in drone strikes were not the intended target. The exact numbers of civilians killed between 2009 - 2016 is estimated to be between 7.27% and 15.47%. In March of 2019 President Trump cancelled the reporting of civilian casualty reports.
Despite protests from their employees, Google does work for the Pentagon. In 2018, Google employees signed a letter protesting the companies involvement in making AI that interprets video to help with targeting of drone strikes. They have more recently had a rocky relationship with the Pentagon over their work that General Joseph Dunford Jr. says is “indirectly benefiting the Chinese military”. They are reportedly trying to repair their reputation and are courting future military contracts.
Amazon isn’t currently working for military because they lost the JEDI cloud computing bid to Microsoft. I included Amazon because they are protesting the decision and because this will most likely not be their last attempt. Like a lot of Google workers, a group of Microsoft workers signed a letter asking their company to cancel its contract because they don’t want the things they build to be used to help murder people. IBM has a long history for working for the military. They are currently doing cloud computing, analytics and AI for the military. During WW2 the Nazis also used IBM technology.
Oil plays a huge part in foreign policy and in America’s military adventures. Halliburton is one of the worlds largest oilfield companies. The company’s close relationship with Vice President Dick Cheney is most likely why they were awarded a huge government contract in the lead up to the Iraq War. The company ended up making billions of dollars from the war. They are also accused of sketchy practices around the world. They aren’t the only oil company I’ve chosen to show . ExxonMobil, BP, and Shell were forced out of Iraq in 1973. After the invasion they were able to move back in and start exploiting Iraqi oil once again.
These are just a few of the companies that are involved with the military and as technology advances more and more companies will develop new tools for war. If you’re interested in learning more there are some links at the bottom. A lot of info can also be found on these companies websites. I encourage you to search more into it. Always be weary of anyone who is trying justify committing violence.
This series is an idea I had one day and decided to make. Like the City Birds set before, I want to experiment more with different ideas. I took photos of buses and octopus tanks around Sinchon, Jongno, and Myeong-dong.
This year I’d like to start experimenting more with different styles of photography. This is the first set of photos I hope to do this year playing with double exposures and blending photos together. I chose pigeons for this project just because they are everywhere and also I’ve been paying more attention to them lately. On a podcast recently I heard that the reason some pigeons are missing toes or even their feet is that hair or string gets wrapped around them and they eventually die and fall off. This got me noticing the birds a lot more as a walk around the city and I’ve started to enjoy watching them. I don’t really see them as just a dirty menace anymore. When you are in the mountains the pigeons are actually pretty birds, and much cleaner. It’s only the ones in the city that are filthy, and that’s because they are living around the filth we make.